Copyright: Trish Haill Associates 2023

Truck Stopped


Badly burned and injured, I’ve lost everything. I can’t fight fires anymore, or even ride my bike. 

I brood, alone, even have thoughts of ending my life. What had I got to live for?

That was when I hit the lowest point and the start of wanting to fight back.

I needed someone beside me. I didn’t expect to find a friend in Allie.

Was she like the rest of the sweet butts just wanting to become an old lady? Had she sunk her claws into me as she thought I was easy? Was she ignoring my scars just so I’d patch her?

Was she encouraging me back to the club for her own interests or for mine?

Could I move past the fact all my brothers had known her intimately?


I enjoy sex. Not going to apologise for that. But Truck? He was different. It wasn’t just getting off, with him, it had been something else. Something I wanted to explore.

Before I’d got my chance he’d gone and never came back.

The club wants him back, so I volunteered to try to reach him.

My heart shattered when I found him scarred, broken and angry, but I wouldn’t let him push me away. He needed a friend, and I could be that.

I can’t hope for anything more. Bikers never fall for sweet butts do they?
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